
Nail Care Tips

Nail care is very important because it can be a sign of your health. Healthy nails are smooth, resilient, shiny, and free from spots or splits. Dry skin, fungal infections, nail damage, or disease can all cause different problems with nails that mean you would need to see a doctor for treatment.

There are many easy steps you can take at home to look after your nails. Use these five guidelines below to help keep your hands and feet looking nice:

1. Keep your hands clean

This is very important, as unclean hands can spread infections. Always wash your hands before eating or cooking, or after going to the toilet.

2. Moisturise regularly

Using a moisturizer on your nails and cuticles every day will help keep them soft and healthy-looking. Healthy-looking skin around the nails is less likely to suffer from fungal infections. Moisturizers are available in many forms including creams, gels, oils, and waxes – all are effective so you can choose whichever one you prefer. If you have particularly dry skin then use an emollient twice a day instead of a moisturizer. What type of moisturizer should I use?

3. Don’t pick at your nails

When you pick away at your nails you can damage the delicate skin around them and cause bleeding. Also, picking will make dirt get stuck under your nails which could lead to an infection.

4. Don’t bite your nails

Biting your nails is bad for several reasons. Firstly it damages the skin around the nail – this could lead to infection or scarring. Secondly, when you bite your nails you are more likely to swallow germs that have been living on your hands, which may affect your gut health in a negative way.

5. Nails need sunlight too!

When exposed to sunlight over a period of time, fingernails develop ridges that are permanent unless exposed to artificial light frequently (for example tanning beds). If you must go out in the sun, protect your nails with gloves.

When exposed to sunlight over a period of time, fingernails develop ridges that are permanent unless exposed to artificial light frequently (for example tanning beds). If you must go out in the sun, protect your nails with gloves.